Saturday, January 12, 2013

Isla de la plata AKA treasure Island

We left Quito on Thursday night by overnight bus which I thought was fine and had a good sleep on but woke up to find an angry Ellie staring at me in the morning, demanding to know how I could have slept through the crazy driving and look so happy about it. Think it’s her turn to be grumpy so I just give my apologies and hope for a smooth final trip to the hotel in Puerto Lopez.
We get checked in early and book ourselves onto a day trip to Isla de la plata, with having 2 hours free before the boat trip I head to bed for a couple more zzz, this apparently amazes Ellie.

On the way to our boat we see all the local fishermen bringing that nights catch home, wonderful to watch the beach come to life. Once on the boat we met a great group of people but one Swedish girl I knew straight away I am going to dislike. I was right by the end of the day I hated her and so did everyone else on the boat with her long blonde perfect hair being flicked everywhere and her self-importance presence around the boat with poses straight out of zoolander. All I wanted to do was push her off the back of the boat, but I couldn’t move due to my attractive life vest being too big and having to desperately suck on a mint to stop myself vomiting.
Anyway we finally get to treasure Island where Sir Francis Drake apparently buried his Silver treasure chest (still unfound), also can anyone tell me why Francis Drake is a Sir? From the stories I hear he was a proper crook!

The Island is also known as the poor mans Galapagos so I asked the guide what the difference is between them, his brilliant answer was $1,000. Lol. We did see the Blue Footed Boobie, Turtles and lots of fish when snorkelling.    

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