Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Banos broke me!

Ok at the ripe old age of 31 I thought all day hangovers were a thing of the past, but not after a night out in Banos but wow worth it! So after returning from the Jungle we were cold, wet and tired to find only cold water in the showers and the biggest street party outside our hostel, so no chance of getting a nice cozy early night in bed. So why not join them?So we head to ‘The Good Bar’ to find the smallest bar in the world but great Moijito’s, I remember saying look at the pole in the middle of the dance floor some tit will be on that later…. Yep you guessed it! So there I was thinking I was something out of Flash dance getting twisted upside down by Angel the local English teacher/town mover. 
Yesterday was all about soup, flat coke and big sunglasses. However, we were meant to be moving onto Quito but not a hope in hell of getting us on an Ecuadorian bus for 4hrs. So today we have arrived in Quito but the people don’t seem to be as helpful here. First time I notice this was in the hostel-
Me-do you have wi-fi?
Chicos- yes
Me- do you have the password for it?
About 10 seconds of awkward silence as the 3 of them just stare at me
Chico- 1869478367
Me- thanks…..
I get back to my room to find the wi-fi will not connect to my phone so I tried my laptop and same thing. So back to reception.
Me- The wi-fi is not working.
Chico- we know its broken.
I don’t even have the will power to speak……..so just walk away!

Next time I found another helpful Quito guy was at lunch-
Me- What is chaulafan?
Waiter- chaulafan
Me- yes but what is it?
Waiter- a mixture of meat
Me- In a sauce/ rice/potato’s, any more clues?
Waiter- meat with rice.
Me- sure I will have it.
Turns out to be special fried rice by the way. Also all these conversations where in Spanish so was not a language problem. Now I have told Ellie I am not talking to anyone else till we leave……. Think due to my moodiness the hangover has entered day 2.       

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