Friday, January 4, 2013

Bus from Vilcabamba to Cuenca to Banos

Not the most pleasant trip I have ever done, but here now and Banos looks like fun! So we left Vilcabamba after breakfast and had a smooth bus change in Loja, only having to wait for an hour between. As always we attracted all the freaks to come talk to us, this time it was an old American couple who just wanted to talk about themselves at us. As we nodded our heads listening to how amazing their lives are living in Vilcabamba I zoned out, only to hear them get a little annoyed with Ellie who had dared to question the myth of longevity …… shock horror! She asked the couple for birth certificate proof that their friend really died at 130 years old. Needless to say they stopped talking to us and my ears had a rest again.
The bus to Cuenca was not too bad only 5 hours and the road was in surprising good condition after Peruvian roads. Cuenca is a beautiful old town that is pleasant for walking around and has some amazing restaurants and cafes. After a lovely dinner in CafĂ© Eucalyptus and that night was Ladies night so a couple of cheeky vinos to wash it down, we headed back to the hostel where we made friends with some German travellers. I couldn’t stop thinking I had met one of them before, that’s when it dawned on me it was lego head from one of our photos from NYE in Vilcabamba ! 
Do you see him in the background?

Yesterday was the bus journey from hell Cuenca to Banos is a windy road so high up you cant see anything through the cloud, not helped by the slowest bus driver in the world who wanted to stop and talk to everyone or buy MORE food from the street vendors. After 6 hours he wanted to stop and buy grilled chicken hearts, the smell was just what an over crowded hot smelly bus needed!

Anyway we are now in Banos and are starting to plan our next adventure to visit indigenous jungle tribes.                  

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