Sunday, January 6, 2013

In the Jungle the mighty Jungle

Yesterday was an early start to head into the Jungle, wish someone had told the guide though as he was still on South American time! So after waiting around and continually calling him we finally set off an hour later. The views heading in were amazing along the Banos to Puyo road waterfall after waterfall cascading into the Jungle valley. We were also lucky that our tour group was only two argentine guys and us so we had a big comfy 4x4 to enjoy the landscape.
First stop was an animal reserve that rescues Jungle animals that have been sold or taken to be sold on the black market. They keep them till they are well enough to be re release back into the wild, it sounds lovely doesn’t it…. Conditions were pretty bad but guess it’s better than where they were before.
Second stop was to visit an indigenous tribe of which I seen four people and one had Adidas trainers on. We were giving a special drink that is used in ceremonies, as I was taking a mouth full of the white warm murky liquid he decides to tell us at that point how it is made. The tribe hold it in their mouths for a couple of minutes before spiting it back into the bowl and leaving it for a couple of weeks to forment. Or to give to passing Gringos for a laugh I feel!
After this we headed up to a breathtaking viewpoint over the Jungle and listened to the new noises, it’s at times like this you realise how big the world is and how many things are still to be explored. Saying that we then hiked for an hour to the Vida waterfall, this large powerful waterfall is found in the middle of the Jungle securely hidden. The refreshing clear water felt amazing after our hot day exploring, then the havens opened and we fully understood why this is the rain forest.
On the way back the guide thought we might be peckish so found a termite’s nest and preceded to eat them, he said they were full of vitamins and that was a good enough selling point for me. However, cant say they tasted of much but the ant eggs he gave us next had a surprisingly lemon tang!                     

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