Monday, June 24, 2013

Dating in Ecuador

When I first decided to travel to South America I had visions of tropical white sandy beaches filled with tanned hot men with ponytails drinking Cuba Libres out of coconuts. In reality most of the men I have come across have large bellies that they like to roll their tee shirt up and tuck between their man boobs and their proud large round stomachs….. not the vision I had hoped for! However, the beaches are to die for once you get past the ‘ psss princesa, hermosa’ or ‘hola Guapa’ or my personal favourite ‘Que rico’ from the passing local gentlemen. Not all the guys are like this and lets be honest we have our own fair share of dickheads in the UK, Quito guys are a little more tactful when your walking in the street but once they open the doors to the guys on Ladies night……. For the love of god who teaches these boys the most appalling chat up lines? Oh that’s right me! I have one student who if he does well in class that week I give him one chat up line in English. For all my Quito girlfriends….. I am sorry it was me! He loves Friday chat up line time, you have beautiful eyes, Did it hurt when you fell from heaven? ( good use of past tense I feel) and for this one I am truly sorry but I was running out of the none offensive and had to pull out this old cracker…… Get your coat you have pulled! I’m sorry…..  But it’s better than the same old four words that some them only know- Hello Baby, My Love….
As you can tell my dating experiences are going well here in Quito.

I wanted to check I was not just being unfortunate so asked some of the girls if they also had these experiences, oh yes and here are their top Ecuadorian chat ups-
"Gracias a dios por tu pecho" from a taxi driver. Thank god for your chest.

"Baja la blusa un poquito mas"

"You know, I don't like dating Ecuadorian women anymore. I prefer gringas. Wanna know why?" Me, "not really." Him, " because you have to buy them dinner and everything. Gringas are so much easier!" Thank you!

I love when grown men call ‘mi mami’... So Freudian

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Baños broke me …….again!

So the fatal mistake of mixing 6 excited girls, drinks and Banos resulted in a black eye, a chipped tooth and a pulled back muscle …… But great fun! So Friday night we all head to Banos in Marco’s car I have full intentions of catching up on some zzzz till Marco announces there is a bottle of jack in the back of the car….. wooohoooo NOW let the fun begin!
So we arrived late on Friday night and instead of going to bed we hit Banos town big time, remember the toy cars that you pull back, release and watch going flying forward? They are the perfect example of us after hours in a car with a bottle of jack! After being in the hostel for a matter of half an hour we were told to be quiet twice …… so its only fair for us to take our excitement and noise to the nearest bar. No idea what time we got home but for the love of god we just couldn’t find anywhere that was still selling alcohol, so at a guess it was late.

The next morning I woke up on top bunk, how I got up there the night before I have no idea. So I hang my head over the side to see which sleeping beauty is below me and the lovely Heather with last nights make up on is still giving big ZZZZZ. So what to do? I’m bored, stuck on top bunk ( like really no idea how I made it up there as I cant get down sober) and feeling a little sick if I am honest. So I start to cough and rock the bed a little, heather wasn’t as pleased to see my smiling upside down face as I had hoped!   
So that mornings rafting trip was out of the window, not a hope in hell of getting us on a boat! So as Delia and Heather look around for a tour operator to take us that afternoon I head to Café Hood to meet up with Claire and Jorge, after a couple of Jorge’s strong coffees the world is calm again and I start to enjoy hearing what they have been up to since my last visit.  Delia and Heather join us with some great and not so great news, they have sorted rafting but also booked us on a disco bus that night. I have a pet hate for all drunken knobs on these types of things…… looks like I will be one of these drunken knobs tonight!
We also made a new friend, he is called Albert and is imaginary! So wherever we go we have to save a space for Albert also share our food and drink with him, some very confusing looks when we were having a conversation with an empty chair and sharing our breakfast with it…… in our heads it was the funniest thing ever! So after enjoying wine and Jenga, which Albert kept losing at, may I mention! We head off to rafting on the back of a pick up, this was extremely uncomfortable and not the best idea after the night before’s consumption levels. One of us finished the ride over the back of the truck vomiting as we were still moving and the other two clinging to our stomachs hoping not to go the same way……. Classy ladies we know! 
However, the rafting was amazing! So much fun and so much laughing, once again we were the loudest and I feel the serious medical students who were unfortunate enough to be placed with us really did hate us…… oh well we had fun! As we hit the first rapid we are screaming for him to tip the boat and having the rest of the group asking not too….. and we do a half flip leaving only Delia and I in the boat ( the two who wanted to flip). The guide starts to shout at us to paddle but the ors are all over the river so what to do but doggy paddle over the side, which results in us just laughing in hysterics! The first person we pick up is a terrified small medical student as I try to lift her back into the boat I cant for laughing so hard at just how petrified her face is…… like she has just gone down with the Titanic! I know I was being mean but I just couldn’t stop laughing. In the end the guild had to come to the front and lift her in, she just glared at me as she fell into the boat. I feel my apology was not quite believed as I struggled to keep a straight face!

Later that night as I am getting ready to be a drunken knob on the vengabus I look in the mirror to find I have a bruise across my cheek, of course I blame Delia for this as she was the closest to me on the raft and I wouldn’t put it past her! However, it could have been the angry little medical student and who could blame her? This will stay a mystery ( but really it was Delia).
So the vengabus…… what to say? I LOVED it! Absolutely brilliant and done it in true classy fashion with a carton of wine with a bendy straw, which was later use to do Madonna impressions! So the vengabus takes us up to a view point to see the volcano, by this point we are drunk and have no interest in such cultural things, which is good as its so cloudy you cant see anything but yet people are still staring out at…… NOTHING! We lose Esther and the other two as soon as we get there, once again like the pull back cars we are released and go running off! Fear not I am still with Albert, Delia and Heather so we proceed to walk around the large groups of people whispering but in a loud voice Esssttthhheeerrrr. Now I know your thinking how do you whisper in a loud voice? Picture the girl from the Exorcist, now imagine being stood looking out at the so called volcano enjoying a quiet time and having that bad voice coming up behind you! We gave a great name to all tourists that night!
Back onto the vengabus with cartons of wine, pole dancing ( always happens in Banos) and disapproving looks we get back to Banos. That night I try and fail to dance instead I start demanding fried chicken ( in a scouse accent for some reason) ,  luckily Deila is the pro at finding good chicken and the 3 of us sorry 4 keep forgetting Albert enjoy chicken and chips at daft o clock.

Sunday morning was a bad day a very bad day in my books, we departed late from the hostel so no time for coffee! As I am stood painfully with a pulled back muscle drinking bad coffee for a street stall I run my tongue over my back tooth to find half of it missing! I mean really how the hell did I not notice doing that? As the famous dark mood of hungover Michelle enters I now apologise to everyone I was rude to…… Peaceful, respectful and well lets not go too far Michelle is back, I promise x                     

Monday, June 10, 2013


So the dreaded date has now been and gone, thank god! As I look at my bitten fingers and black bags under my eyes I cant help but think what was all the fuss about? What did help was some great friends, delicious food from Patricio and superb wine chosen by Jaana.
If your ever in Manta Kotona Bistro is the place to be, I know I am being biased because the owners are my friends but truly Patricio and Jaana have put so much effort and love into Kotona you cant help but feel straight at home. The food, music and the ambiance are just perfect especially for a place that’s only been open 3 months.

So what did the rest of the weekend consist of? Not a lot….. sunbathing, Beers, more food and bubbles. I kept out of trouble and sorted all negative thoughts and turned them into opportunities and strengths.
Now I am back in Quito I may have to ‘just say yes’ once again.  

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Wedding Day Blues

So today was meant to be my wedding day the dress hanging in my mother’s wardrobe and the bridesmaid dresses still unmade and untouched. For the last month I have been slowly falling apart (apologies to all friends involved) as I desperately try to sort the positive from the negative thoughts in my head, I view my brain to be the same as the back of a work station with computer wires tangled and twisted so I can’t make out the start or end points. However, today I have unplugged everything and started to lay the wires out into neat rows. Last night I boarded an over night bus with the lovely Fernanda and Jo then headed to the beach, Sun, Fun and what was it….. oh yes Sand! Are more than needed this weekend to give me that final push to make it though. So here we are staying with the multi talented Patricio and Jaana in their new beautiful Kotona bistro.
For the last two weeks I have desperately been trying not to be alone with the thoughts of what could have been, but today I found a quiet place and made a list of why of the situation and events are for the best. I feel these are a little too personal to post on here, I can tell you I feel better straightening these thoughts in my own head. There are still so many things in life I want to do but to be honest I am going to stop looking for these things and just live for now! It took a long time to stop asking ‘why me?’ Now I am just asking what fun and trouble can I enjoy today, because even next week seems like too long term planning.  
Now I have been told about a club here in Manta and I think it sounds like the perfect wedding night with Salsa, mojitos and laughs.