Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Just say Yes!

The plan was to head to the beach this weekend but think I am turning Latin and never got round to trying to book anything till 2pm on the day of departure. So the ever so helpful bus employees didn’t fail me or surprise me. I asked if there were any buses going to the beach, any beach I don’t care which. His reply was simply ‘yes’ great I get to pick, No, there are buses but no seats left on the buses! Talk about a tease but guess that was my question. So as I phone everyone trying to decide what to do, it becomes apparent no one has any plans so Quito it is.
Thursday turned into a depression day as the date of my planned wedding becomes too close to deal with or even think about, I decided to stay in bed with the covers pulled over my head. However, the wonderful Kate comes and pulls me out with the temptation of a good bottle of red and pizza (two of my favourite things in the world) Simple things I know!
Friday was a holiday so I slump back into pulling the covers over my head with full plans of not facing anything or one for the whole weekend. But my next shining angels are Delia and Heather who just keep phoning till I answer. I then drag myself once again out of bed make coffee and have the hottest shower to try and awaken. We head to the historic centre to watch the president being sworn in for his 3rd term, it was great to watch how admired he is by Ecuadoreans something we Brits cannot enjoy at present. Also trying to work out whom all the presidents were from all over South America. I stood there feeling the warm sun, and then smiling and laughing with friends I thought about how I have to change my thinking and thoughts into more positive ones to get through these next couple of weeks. So with a positive attitude we head to the pub and proceed to laugh even louder with every beer, if felt good to sit with people who don’t know or care about my past and just enjoy telling stories. For a day that started so badly I was surprised at how much fun I had and for how long ( it was gone midnight by the time our lunch date ended). If I had stayed in bed with covers pulled high and laying in self-pity I would have missed a great day, so I make a deal to say yes to every invitation for the next week. No, is not part of my vocabulary for this week! I know dangerous but so far so good……
Saturday I said yes to a ladies coffee group meeting, for you that know me know I would normally mock such a group. However, I had a wonderful time and met some great new friends. This was another lunch date that ended stupid O’clock across town in a Colombian/ Arabic cafĂ©. Not sure if I was the bad influence or not in this case! Anyway we are going bowling tomorrow night because I can’t say no, also want to give it a go as it’s been years.
Tonight I am going to a Poker game, no idea what I am doing and last time I played I lost everything! But fear not Kate has printed of pictures of what the good hands are so I am sure my Poker face will be believed as I am double checking my ‘how to play Poker’ hand out!
Yesterday four of us hired bikes and cycled along the old railway lines in the valley next to Quito. The bikes were less desirable and today my bum is killing me. 20km on a bike that was older than me bumping along an old railway line, sounds disgusting but amazing fun! Then a girly pizza night in town with once again a good bottle of red, ok who am I trying to kid a good couple of bottles.
So the rest of the week looks busy already with Bowling, Ladies night, Charity dinner, a travel presentation and more pizza.
Now I am waiting for the ridiculous invitation that I know I would offer someone if I knew they couldn’t say no, For example compete in Miss Ecuador transvestites competition or bring pork chops to the Jewish Passover.     

1 comment:

  1. I don't know how exactly I stumbled upon your blog, but I'm glad I did! And I'm glad to know Delia and I helped to brighten up your beach-less holiday weekend!
