Monday, May 6, 2013

At what point do you have to grow up?

So here I am 32 with no idea where I will be in a years time let alone a future plan, do I want the family, settled life and apparent happiness that all my UK friends have? I guess so at some point but I am having far too much fun to get that deep into life just yet. At certain times I do crave that life, for example waking up on a Sunday morning just able to open one eye and try to piece the last nights events together. However, once that minute of ‘oh crap’ passes and I begin to smile at the antics and misbehaving of the night before I know I am not ready to grow up.
If you look at my life on paper I have ticked off many things that I know a lot of people will never get to experience I have lived and worked in many different countries and travelled to 5 continents. I once sneaked backstage at an Italian music concert and managed to stay there till sun rise eating and drinking all the free buffet, before a security man asked for my backstage pass and I promptly got kicked out! Or the time I lost my company car in Arezzo for 2 days because I couldn't remember where I left it, then having to get the mayor’s son to remove the parking ticket before work found out. All of these memories make me smile and laugh at the insanity I have made of my life.
I also have amazing memories of gliding through the Okavango delta, riding a camel over the Sahara desert, climbing Machu Picchu, Island hopping around Thailand ( ok that one involved a lot of alcohol in buckets but it sounds cultural), Learning Yoga in India, Taking a drawing class in Florence and a cooking in Paris ( both of which I sucked at), Watching the Rio carnival, flying over Iguassu falls for my 30th Birthday,  Eating Street Pallea on a Sunday afternoon in Barcelona over looking the Familia Sagrada, Having a snow ball fight with strangers in Central Park, staring up at the Giza Pyramids in Carlo and realising how many amazing things this world has to offer.
When is too late to give up these amazing adventures? Or do I even have to give them up? Can I have both? Or do I need to settle and get that pension than my dad keeps telling me to get ……. So many questions that I truly do not know the answers to. The final scary one is what type of man will be left by the time I am ready? Oh God I am doomed!       


  1. Day's like today when my underwear matches I really feel like I have my life together!
    Panic over it will all be ok!

  2. You make me feel so boring and untraveled! Makes me want to travel somewhere new though...

    Don't ever grow up!
