Saturday, March 23, 2013


I know my blog just gets more and more interesting! However, I am now a self confessed Avocado addict. I eat on average 3 avocados a day so though I best check I am not doing any long term damage, like turning myself green or something. So here is my findings- Avocados have around 340 calories so that a total of 1,020 calories per day, now I am not one of these freakish women who know how many calories are in everything, but I would guess that’s a bloody lot of calories! So I Googled how many calories are in a Mars bar to get a comparison. 242 calories!!!!! I am eating the equivalent of over 4 fecking Mars bars a day! My worry was turning green but now I am going to be as big as a house within a month! I need to stop but even today I freaked out because I couldn’t find Avocado woman…. I had to travel and buy my Avocados from someone else! Now they are just not as big or as buttery as hers.
On the plus side I have great shinny hair just now and clear skin, does this out weigh becoming fat?….. no pun intended!      

Avocado Woman where are you? 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

International Day of Happiness

No I am not joking -International day of Happiness, just hearing them words together turns me into a miserable boring Brit. Why cant they keep it in America ( I can only guess this idea came from an American)? Its like the so called world cup they have, what other countries are in it that stand a chance of winning AMERICAN football? No one else wants to play it! 
I think I am a fairly happy person wouldn’t say I bring negativity ( well not intentionally even after that out burst) to situations, but today I am feeling depressed just because I heard it was international Happiness Day. It’s like when someone says ‘why so glum? Come on give us a smile’ to the reply of…… Fuck Off!’
Sorry rant over! Now to go out with some other boring unhappy Brits and complain about the weather.   

Friday, March 15, 2013

Lowering our mental ages

Last week we closed the hostel for refurbishment so this meant everyone could take a holiday, but poor old Crystal and I had to teach so no Holibobs for us. Instead we seen an empty hostel as the same as when your parents first left you alone in the house, yes we were very mature!
 We organised pants day ( no trousers aloud, just because we could) and also built a fort using nearly all the sheets and pillows from every bed in the hostel. Got to say its one of the most magnificent forts ever seen! Crystal I feel became a little too attached to the fort and slept in there every night, she also spend all her days off in there. Not sure how she is going to cope in the real world this week….. 

Saturday, March 2, 2013


So today I realised that I haven’t eaten meat since last Friday, that I can remember! There could have been a cheeky kebab on Friday or Saturday night. However, I didn’t wake up with any in my hair, which often happens with late night food Purchases. Anyway went off subject for a bit there, so I am going to give this veggie malarkey a go but I have to be realistic …… What Can I not live without? The only thing I would miss is seafood so I have met fake vegetarians who eat Fish and even chicken, But never knew what they are called and I don’t want to announce I am a fake veggie, So ( drum roll please) now I am a Pescetarian. Sounds cool, hey?
I feel this will be an easy task in Ecuador there is plenty of vegetables and meat is not to much in your face, not like France where they are just confused……. But why you don’t eat the meat cooked in erbs??? I remember being on a training course in France with a veggie friend and every night they would bring him something with meat or fish in, every night he would send it back and get a green salad in return. The final night after being given quiche lorraine he had enough and stormed into the kitchen to speak with the head ‘chef’ and all we in the restaurant could hear was’ If its got a face then NOOOOO!!!!!’  The reply from an angry French chef was ‘ It has no face it is quiche lorraine’ followed by ‘ It’s a fucking pig!!!!’
Wish me luck guys       

Friday, March 1, 2013

Cheeky Birthday weekend

So what do you get when you mix 9 of us with 7% Beers, mojito’s and Annie’s home bottled rum…… Yep you got it FUN times! So we all head to Banos once again, I get there on Friday while most people arrive Saturday. However, fear not I find Patricio and Jaana from the boat to the isle de plata back in January and as always they are up for a couple.  So out we head on Friday night just for  a couple , looking back food may have been a good idea before, as midnight comes and Michelle is leathered once again! As Saturday morning arrives I am told ‘ I could get drunk just from being near you’ err cheers made paranoid/hung-over me feel great, as everyone start arriving for my birthday things are not getting better in my stomach or head! So what to do? Yes head to the local brewery and order their strongest beer at 4 in the afternoon. And it worked….. straight back on it with some good advice of food! Much dancing, laughing and funny faces followed. Thinking this could be a hard birthday I was pleasantly surprised to find mostly happy thoughts in my head ( The rum will have helped this I guess).
Thank you to everyone involved, I have really have made some wonderful new friends here in Ecuador. X