Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Living life in a bubble

I haven’t written in a long time I know what this is down to and I guess when you’re happy not thinking about your future it’s easy to say your happy. Right now I feel content and fortunate with my life here, to get to this point I had to stop thinking about what has happened and what will happen. However, as the date of my flight home becomes closer I keep having more freak out moments. So how to deal with that? Just say yes! Hell yes its back!
So in the last two weeks I have been Salsa Dancing, Learning to cook and to more fiestas than Liam Gallagher! To the surprise of most people I returned to Banos and climbed up some really big hills and trees then zip lined down them, to anyone that knows me knows this is something I would never even consider. I have the biggest fear of heights! I remember once in South Africa a girl asking me to just come with her to take photos of her doing a bungee jump, this ended in me hyperventilating on a bridge surrounded by all the staff getting me to breathe deeply into a paper bag! She was not best please to say the least. However, this time I decided I have faced worse and what could go seriously wrong? I loved it! It was incredible the feeling of free flying through the beautiful cloud forest.
Then onto the next fear….. getting on the back of a motorbike and heading up a volcano! Why I hear you ask? No idea but once again a fantastic experience, I even wanted to drive ( do you drive or ride, oh whatever just get on it full throttle).Thankfully he didn’t let me as we all know this is a bad idea really!

Then back to the beautiful Mindo for a spot of Tubing, what is tubing? You sit in an inflated tracker tyre and zoom down the river rapids….. feaking amazing! I laughed the whole way. We noticed in Mindo everything is in the present continuous for example Tubing, Walking, Canopying and so on. So for the rest of the weekend everything we done had to end in ING, siestaing and churching sounded a little weird but the drinking and dancing came easier.

So what next? After a little push ok a big push from Jo I have finally sat down and started to plan my return to the UK. I have enrolled on a creative writing course and have started to write a children’s book. I love the fact I can write whatever I want in this book and not have to explain why the main characters best friend is a talking cat and his mother is a dragon, its my imaginary world and I make the rules!
So back to the UK for a couple of months and then next adventure Spain. I haven’t really thought about Spain and as with everything in my life I will just wing it and see what comes. This has worked for the last 32 years so lets keep hitting and hoping!
One thing I am looking forward to is seeing my wonderful best friend getting married and I am so proud to be her maid of honour. Lexi I promise not to get as drunk as I did at Kiera’s christening, even though Hannah is trying to be a bad influence!    
See you all in October                      

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