Friday, August 23, 2013

Positive of returning to Carlisle

Ok there are a lot of positives I just have to really think about it, the obvious is seeing friends and family. Already I have been offered so many places to stay and enough dinners to feed Africa. It’s been almost 2 years since I have seen most of these friends but yet when we talk it’s as if I seen them yesterday. As much as I complain about Brampton being the smallest and most gossipy town in the world I love the fact I know everyone and they know me. It always take hour to walk down the main street due to people stopping you to just chat or to tell you what Mrs brown on the estate has been doing…. There are a lot of crazy people in Brampton so I mostly enjoy hearing these stories.
However, one of the biggest highlights is Lexi’s fridge, my best friend Lexi has the best fridge in not just Cumbria but the world!  It is always pack full of the greatest stuff. Every time I go round I find myself heading straight for her fridge and helping myself to that weeks delights. So on to food, England has some of the worst food in the world but hell its so bad for you its great. I love asking French people so what do you think of our food? Have you tried fish and chips wrapped in newspaper? Then watching their faces crumple with what can only be described as sheer disgust. Personally I cant wait to eat a full English, Pie’s, pickled onion monster munch and all washed down with a cold cider. Oh the pride of Britain!
Couple of other things I know all fellow Brit’s living abroad will understand- BBC Iplayer, ease of life (even in current economical situations), Primark, Tesco and road etiquette.
Oh I will arrive in time for Halloween which is cute and everything but even better Bombie night! How freaking great is Bombie night? No matter how old you are there is nothing better than being stood there in the freezing cold with sparkler in one hand (writing your name over and over, Michelle is far too long but shell is now down to a fine art) and a hot cider in the other. Watching the Catherine wheel and making wooo ahhhh sounds to every bang.
Guys cant wait to see you all but remember this excitement of being home with only last about a week ( like a child I only have a short attention span) after this I will need you to keep me entertained.            

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