Friday, February 1, 2013


Eric and I have been looking to go to a Ecuadorian football match for a while now so we decided to enrol the help of Tom a long term expat here, and he did not fail us. He sent his assistant down to the grounds of Catolica early on Wednesday morning for that afternoons match against Emerlec. Deciding to really get in the swing of things we try to buy knock off Catolica shirts from the little women outside. However, they only have Emerlec ( Guayaquil team) or SD Quito so of course we buy the Quito team. In hind sight we should have checked which side we were sitting in, yes there we were in the guayaquil side in our black shirts surrounded by blue emerlec supporters...... thankfully no one jumped us, so not like a Manu v’s Man city match. The atmosphere was amazing for such a small match everyone had flags, horns and were singing loudly, the type of atmosphere we would have at a world cup final. The main point was everyone was enjoying themselves and there was absolutely no trouble, even though there was a heavy police presence.      


After the football and 4 large beers later I decide it’s a good idea to go to Ladies night once again at the famous Bungalow, why do I never learn! Ok so best philosophy ever for a ladies night, get this they only let the girls in between 8-10pm and give them strong free drinks before opening the doors at 10:00 and unleashing what can only be described as crazy animals…… the aftermath is too extreme to be described on here but everyone was a disorganized mess the next morning. Last thing I remember was telling my boss there was not a hope in hell of me getting up for breakfast shift, I think this information was past to him at 3am!    

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