Sunday, December 15, 2013

Returning home

So I am home and all the panic and tears have gone, why? Because of all my amazing friends and family! Ok so the first month was a bit of a struggle not just emotionally but because its so freaking cold, as I am walking around in gloves, scarf and the biggest thickest winter jacket and everyone else is talking about this lovely mild October we are having. A friend who spent many years in India told me it takes 3 months for your blood to thicken and become accustomed to British weather. My 3 months are nearly up and I am still walking around like Kenny from south park….
Anyway, I have spent some lovely weekends away with friends in London, Brighton, Leeds, The lakes and bonny Scotland with the family. Also some beautiful days out walking in good old Cumbria, I had forgotten just how picturesque it is. Speaking of Cumbria or Brampton in particular oh how I have missed the local crazies, anyone who hasn’t been here before let me describe it for you. Brampton is an old market town with cobbled streets, traditional shops and well the perfect brochure town, till you look closely and find out we have produced some of the finest crazies in Britain. Yes I know every town has its share but I have lived in a lot of places and Brampton really has got more than its fair share. An example from a few years ago-
There was a knock on the front door and to my surprise a well known crazy is stood there, she shouts that she would like to speak to my mum.
‘Sorry but she isn’t in’
‘I need my toenails cutting!’
‘Err ok best you go home and cut them’
‘I cant, will you cut them?’
This could only happen in Brampton!

But really it’s so nice to be back, seeing old friends and making new ones. For now I am feeling settled and blessed living in such a beautiful area.  
Also need ideas on a new name for the blog, Girl about Brampton doesn't have the same ring to it!  


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