Monday, December 23, 2013

Look what I brought back from Ecuador!

So as most people bring back an alpaca jumper from Ecuador I just had to be different and bring back a baby. Now don’t worry it is mine and I haven’t just taken one off the street or from Otavalo market as I was previously told I could buy anything there! Yep, I’m almost 4 months pregnant and over the moon. It was a shock to both the father and I, but a wanted and loved little shock. Since coming back I have realised what wonderful friends and family I have here as I face one of the scariest jobs I have ever been given. I mean really me a mother…. Ahh I have no idea what to expect and just keep being told ‘you will just know and you will be fine’. I on the other hand do not have as much faith and seem to spend all my free time reading books and asking questions. One book a friend gave me seems to be an idiots guide to being a parent ( thanks by the way) with an alphabetical index with questions, for example ‘why is my baby crying?’ ‘ How many times should I feed my baby?’ ‘ How do I change a nappy?’. As I sat there laughing picturing a bleak and decrepit looking mother with a hungry, wet and angry baby looking through an index for answers I suddenly felt the cold realisation that I didn’t know the answers to these questions and in a couple of months I would be THAT woman! The laughter stopped and the book reading started!
The other day I met up with some friends for lunch and one’s 6 month old baby boy, she seemed so together and happy in this new position as if she was always meant to be give this role. When it was my turn for a cuddle with the gorgeous little man (who god love him had been passed around a full table of women but seemed to love the attention) after giving out a couple of beautiful smiles which melted my heart he then fell asleep on me. To sound soppy but it was wonderful to feel this cuddly warm baby’s sleepy breathing and to smell that clean fresh baby smell. It’s so amazing to think that in a couple of months I will have this all from my own tiny little baby.  

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