Mindo is only 2 and ½ hours from Quito and I feel it’s a godsend
to anyone living in the busy, chaotic and at time’s frustrating capital. Was
bliss to sit and not be surrounded by the noise of car alarms, terrible techno
music and people trying to sell me avocado’s (however, I do feel my hair is
much more shiny for it). So having
to get up at 6am was not the most pleasant, anyone who knows me knows I don’t
communicate till at lest 2 coffees have been consumed or 9am, so I just didn’t
speak for the first 3 hours. Which was nice for the two guest who came with me,
‘ so Michelle is this the right bus?’ then me to the as always helpful bus
driver- ‘ Este bus Mindo?’ See no matter what the language I am not talking till
9am or coffee! Once again sleeping on buses no problem so after a 2 and ½ hour
nap we arrive in Mindo at 9.30, I find coffee and the world is restored once
again. Then we start on our trek up to the waterfall route, this was truly
spectacular walking through the cloud forest listening to nothing but Mother
Nature. Finding waterfall after waterfall along the way, the weather improved
so much we even enjoyed swimming.
We finished off our day by taking the chocolate tour, there
I was expecting willy wonka and a group of umpa lumpa’s….. so it was a bit of a
let down to find an old guy from California talking about how he can even make
chocolate honey dressing. However, even with the lack of umpa lumpa’s I enjoyed
seeing how they still use old school methods to make chocolate.