Monday, December 24, 2012

North West of England to the Big Gray Smoke

My new years resolution is to start a blog so thought I would get in there early before all the other new bloggers from the same reason. My second is to learn to surf but that’s beside the point, well till I post about that, then it is the point.
So I read top 10 ten tips about blogging from (see fully prepared) and number 1 is to know what kind of blog your aiming for. So I want this is be a fun and informal view into how a small town northern girl deals with the daily tribulations that Lima throws at her, I hope you will enjoy my pain and at times shear disbelief at my new life. I love living in Lima, meeting some truly amazing people and learning a new way to live. Please leave me comments and also any tips to this Blogging malarkey (that was number 5).
M x        

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