Monday, December 31, 2012


We have made it to Vilcabamba with very sore legs after our big hike. Vilcabamba is famous for being the town of longevity as its population is the oldest in the world. I can see how as i would want to live forever here too. It is paradise, surrounded with lush tropical forests and beautiful views from every direction.
We have been told there is a new years eve party in the main square tonight, so today i am doing nothing but yoga and laying in my hammock.
Will update you with photos and stories tomorrow.

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Podocarpus National Park

Saturday 29th we travelled 15 KM out of Loja to The Podocarpus National Park where we done a 10km hike up to 3,400mt, the first 4km was straight up through tropical cloud forest which seemed to be untouched due to there not being many daily visitors. It’s hard to put into words just how truly magical this terrain was so here are some photos. 

Once at the top we were looking forward to enjoying our picnic and taking in the amazing landscape. However, it was more like Scotland freezing, wet and cloudy! We did try to have our picnic in a sheltered dip, but every small flying insect from 3 miles came to enjoy it too.

After dipping down a bit more we eventually came below the clouds and started to see the breathtaking view the guidebooks talk about. These are looking across the valley between Vilcabamba and Loja.

We had been told to be back at the refuge point before 5pm to check out of the park, making it with 5 minutes to spare we found no one there to check out with. South American security at it best yet again, the guardian had gone home for dinner early. Then it dawned on us we didn’t have a phone to call a taxi so had to start the 8km down hill walk to the main road, painful wasn’t the word. Although, all was forgiven when 1km down the road he turns up on his motorbike to check on us and give us a lift, 2 at a time down to the main road. There we were 3 on a motorbike zooming down hill with every bump my bum getting closer to falling off the back, screaming despacio, por favor! Got to say one of the best taxi journeys I have ever been on, laughed all the way. From here we managed to flag down a passing bus as we had learnt from yesterdays journey this is possible….            

Border crossing bus services

I have to catch up on a couple of days as I have been travelling, on Friday 28th we spent the full day on the service bus from Mancora to Loja in Ecuador. This was an experience of 12 hours no air conditioning and no scheduled stops, the only system seemed to be pick up anyone waiting at the side of the road including large checked bags which could be full of anything. There was no food served on the bus ( was no cruz del sur) but at every town we were swamped with local vendors selling more types of food than you find in the Metro centre food hall but better ( that doesn’t take much though).
However, the views were spectacular and made the journey more than worth it. Travelling through luscious green forests after starting the day on the beach in a hot desert was incredible. It’s my first time in Ecuador and I feel its going to be a trip of a life time.
 M x

Monday, December 24, 2012

North West of England to the Big Gray Smoke

My new years resolution is to start a blog so thought I would get in there early before all the other new bloggers from the same reason. My second is to learn to surf but that’s beside the point, well till I post about that, then it is the point.
So I read top 10 ten tips about blogging from (see fully prepared) and number 1 is to know what kind of blog your aiming for. So I want this is be a fun and informal view into how a small town northern girl deals with the daily tribulations that Lima throws at her, I hope you will enjoy my pain and at times shear disbelief at my new life. I love living in Lima, meeting some truly amazing people and learning a new way to live. Please leave me comments and also any tips to this Blogging malarkey (that was number 5).
M x